I finally have someone that respects me.
Hi everyone! I don't have people I can share my joy with irl, so I hope y'all will appreciate this.
I got diagnosed with DID within this past year, but I have suspected I've had it for a long while now.
In my last relationship, my ex told me to my face he would break things off if I did get diagnosed. Claiming it was "too crazy" and "too much" to deal with. Thankfully, that relationship ended— he was incredibly toxic. However, I've been living with that shame and fear. It's been reinforced by the reaction a lot of the close people in my life have had when I've told them about my diagnosis. The confusion, fear, and rejection of who I am.
I told myself, despite that all, that I would face this head on. That in my next relationship, I would let them know before it got too serious that I have this diagnosis. I want to live without remorse or fear of who I am.
I met a wonderful guy, and he asked me to be his girlfriend a few weeks ago with flowers & chocolates. I couldn't help but say yes. The same day he asked me, I let him know about me having DID.
He was, of course, surprised. I was ready for him to write me off, not believe me, or treat me with disgust.
However, it's been the exact opposite. He's simply admitted to me that he doesn't know a lot about the disorder (only has seen it on TV or movies— which he understood is not an accurate portrayal). He's asked me questions such as, "What do I do if I meet an alter? How do I interact with them? Should I speak to them differently than I've been speaking to you?"
His biggest concern of this all is doing anything to unintentionally hurt me, or one of my alters. I'm floored. Going from, "You're too much as you are." To, "How can I keep you safe?" Is something that I cannot begin to process right now.
Just last night, he was asking me questions about DID. Something no one's ever done. He's coming from a point of curiosity & openness to learn.
He's admitted to me that it's a lot to take in at once, but he's still there. He's still making an effort to understand. That's more than I could have ever asked for.
TL;DR I told my new bf about me having DID. He's been (so far) supportive and understanding, asking questions to help him treat me well. It's bizarre in such a great way. I feel super fortunate and thankful that I've met someone that I can be completely honest about my true self with, and I wanted to share this with y'all. Have a beautiful day/night everyone!