Should I change to a formation with winger?

So this is my team. I kinda wanna switch to a winger formation just because that 107 bale looks insane. I have around 1k toty tokens, 2.3 billion coins, Zidane butragueno and dalglish are tradable. How would u guys go about this? Should I even do it? Do I go 4-3-3 attack, sell dalglish or butragueno(or both and get van basten) , get bale, bench ramires and start rivaldo? (I hate left footed left wingers tho)

So this is my team. I kinda wanna switch to a winger formation just because that 107 bale looks insane. I have around 1k toty tokens, 2.3 billion coins, Zidane butragueno and dalglish are tradable. How would u guys go about this? Should I even do it? Do I go 4-3-3 attack, sell dalglish or butragueno(or both and get van basten) , get bale, bench ramires and start rivaldo? (I hate left footed left wingers tho)