moderate reactions - do you medicate, ride out, or call 911?

So I was eating meatballs and garlic bread earlier which i'm doing sort of okay with.

i accidentally ate a garlic clove in the meatball dish which I thought was cheese

well, i definitely already knew I reacted to garlic

following 30 minutes:
First 1 minute - throat tightness massively
first 5 minutes - puked half of my dinner out (and hopefully the garlic clove too), also puked out water that i drank afterward had a few moments where it felt like i couldn't catch my breath but it resolved
following 30 minutes - very tight throat, elevated BP and HR, feel like I have to concentrate on breathing hard or I get dizzy/light-headed, tons of coughing and spitting up of mucous
folllowing 1 hour after that- same deal tight throat, no vomiting, randomly feeling light-headed and dizzy

If I suck air in like i'm going to burp it kind of relieves the sensation of throat tightness a little bit

wearing pulse oximeter and normally my O2 sat is like 98-99 and just doesn't really change. right now it's just like 96-98 bouncing around constantly and if I don't like focus on breathing itll just drop to 93 in like 10 seconds. so clearly like my throat is swollen behind my adam's apple. it's weird cuz my mouth looks fine like no swelling at all it's further down.

I have called 911 and gone to ER before for these types of reactions and generally it's just like fluids and they watch me... even if my o2 sat drops to like 90 and bounces around like that they'll still just watch me and it'll slowly go away over 2-3 hours

so like... wtf man. i can't stand dealing with these moderate reactions.

Like either fucking kill me or just go away. I'm so sick and tired of having these middle ground reactions where i just feel ultra uncomfortable for a few hours and can't do anything and there's way too many things that trigger them