I need to tell my story
This subreddit has been so helpful to me and I just relate on so many levels that made me want to tell my story.
I’ve been working with JPMorgan Chase for 14 years and have been a branch manager for 11 of those years. I’ve always been so lucky with managers and have always performed well so what happened to me was extremely traumatic.
I got a new manager (they are called market directors) about 2 years ago, lets call her Van. I noticed really quickly that Van liked to talk about herself. She would toot her own horn like “oh you know, I’m just so good with this” and everyone saw it.
So i played the corporate game… i tooted her horn all the time. However, she was still a toxic manager. She would make me do things that she was uncomfortable with and lie to manipulate me.
I eventually had enough. I was expecting my second baby and decided on a lateral career move. I spoke with the hiring manager of the other role and she offered me the position immediately because she knew my reputation.
When I informed Van about this, she sabotaged the position by saying how i cannot handle having another baby and taking on a new role. She also said that she gives me so much flexibility to take care if my family that the new role cannot accomodate which was not true. This was all told to be by the hiring manager as the reasons why she was no longer offering me the role.
I really wanted to go to HR but the hiring manager and Van were friends. I know they woukd protext each other and that my word would mean nothing. I didn’t want to ruin my chances anymore than they were already ruined.
So during my next weekly one on one with Van, she asked me what I wanted to do if i didnt get the other role. I asked politely to transfer out of her market.
Well 2 days later im being threatened with written warnings and termination. Why? Why do this? If you wanted to get rid of me, then why not let me transfer? At this point i had nothing to lose, and i needed protection. I went to HR and HR ended up taking Vans side of course.
I was crying everyday at work, my pregnancy was getting harmed due to this. I am currently on leave of absence from the company.
She has filled my position and there isn’t a role to go back to. I’m still recieving disability and health insurance but after its exhausted, I have a 2 month unpaid job search, then im terminated.
14 years with this company and it ends like this. Im heartbroken that someone can be so heartless and cold. Thanks for reading 🙏