My Wife Cheated on Me

My wife decided to step out and cheat on me with a co worker who has an office right across from hers. There’s a long story behind this where I wasn’t meeting her emotional needs plus dealt with a porn issue, but I never physically cheated on her with someone else and I’ve taken accountability and steps to resolve the porn issue. She’s now remorseful and states she understands why they say the grass isn’t always greener on the other side, and that she was chasing an emotional high bc she felt deprived for so long… but I’m having the hardest time not picturing another man inside of her (that she also sent nude/sexual photos and videos to) and “getting over that”.

So I’m here to ask you: if you’ve ever been cheated on, married individuals more specifically but open to any and all opinions, were you able to reconcile and get over it? The images are so vivid in my head I can’t even look at her at times without feeling the biggest pit in my stomach, but I really do love this woman and we’ve both done our fair share of hurting in our relationship.. we have two kids 5 and 9 and I’m 29 she’s 28 and we’ve been together for 11 years.

Our marriage therapist gave us divorce statistics and showed us that our best theoretical chance of a long standing forever marriage is right now with each other as with each divorce and marriage that number goes up almost 10% each time, but we both have to make the conscious decision to re commit to each other and build something new as what we had is now gone.. what are your thoughts? Did you stay and fight and you’re happy or regretful that you did? Did you leave and wish you made the decision to fight? I never thought I’d find myself here but alas, here we are on a burner Reddit account.