Anyone else having both hot flashes and intense chills and needing to look at the thermostat to know how to dress your baby?

(7 weeks postpartum)

The guideline of one more layer than I'm wearing is super not usable for me! I'm alternating between hot flashes and really painfully cold cold chills all the time. One hour I'm in full on winter gear and the next I'm stripped down to my underwear.

Thank goodness the monitor in her room has a built in thermostat or I'd have literally no idea how to dress my baby. I don't think I'm even feeling temperature normally by touch, things don't feel hot/cold to my hands the way they should, so trying to judge by the temperature of her skin also seems unreliable.

I'm definitely not running a fever at all during the hot flashes or chills. My body temp might actually be dropping during the chills but my adult (nonrectal) thermometer broke and I've not replaced it yet, so I'm not sure. Just have my husband saying I feel cold to him.

How common/uncommon does this sound to you all? Its been about a week of this, so I don't think its virus, and Tylenol doesn't seem to help.

I'm seeing my OB today for a follow up after my IUD insertion, so I'll tell her, too. I'm just not sure how hard to push for medical assistance or if this is typical and should be expected to wear off soon.