Wanting to get into doing the camping/outdoors thing more and not sure where to start.
Hi all. So a few weeks ago I saw some video on tiktok showing someone camping near some swimming hole and with a waterfall into it and it just looked perfect. Haha. Such a weird thing to to kickstart wanting to do this but chatted to the wife a bit and we both think it would be cool to be doing some camping and a bit of this. We have 2 kids (6 and 4) so it would also be a great thing to do with them. Is there any great resources around for how to get started a maybe some lists of things that are must have/really worth it when doing this? It just all feels a bit daunting and like we would try to go camping somewhere and not bring a bunch of stuff we need and just have a bad time with it all.
Also is there a good website or any other resource that can help find some good camping places? It's been a long time since I've ever done this and even back then I just camped with some mates on a beach or something so I'm not really sure where to start with finding places for camping.
Thanks in advance for any help and sorry if this gets asked a bunch. Any other advice or ideas if people want to share them also will be appreciated. We live in Central Queensland if that helps any. Thank you.