My Combo + Stamps & Pages

My story: Born in the USA to US father and Turkish mother who immigrated from Germany. She does not have German citizenship and I don’t think she is eligible and if she was I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be, but I’d love an EU passport too. 😅

She never registered my birth so I had to go through a more complicated naturalization process last year to obtain my Turkish ID and passport. Now I have to work on my military service exemption as I’d have already had this taken care of if my birth was registered before I turned 18. Lots of my friends with foreign heritage are currently trying to get their Irish, German, Italian etc passports (take a wild guess as to why) and Turkey seemed to be easier to work with and had online status trackers that the other countries didn’t have from what I was told.

Why get the Turkish passport when I already have a stronger passport? I feel like it can never hurt to have two. I also go to Turkey a lot and don’t like having to get a visa / treated like a foreigner / and have my time there limited.

I just picked up the Turkish passport today and it is the newer design so I’ve included some of the pages. I also included my stamps from my US passport. I also keep a US passport card (not pictured) for trips to Canada and to have a second form of ID in my wallet since I do not have a real ID compliant drivers license yet.