Really not trying to be arrogant, but why are nurses so rude to us, especially fellows or final year residents?
From the start of residency until now as chief resident, I've 10 times out of 10 been very polite and bit my tongue even when people were straight up assholes. Only rarely did I have to speak up for my juniors or others to repeated offenders.
We've all been through it, either as interns or on off-service residents, where nurses were extremely rude because we weren't efficient or didn't know what we were doing. I think this is not okay, but I somewhat understand (I know there are rude residents too). I've also noticed my female co-residents have it way worse.
Now that I'm a chief resident and will be hired at this hospital after I do a 1-year fellowship, I'm bewildered why I'm still experiencing this (although it's way less than when I was a junior). Like nurses who never interacted me, don't know what type of person I am, give me attitude as soon as I step in the OR or ward and treat me like a intern. Giving a firm, serious response always works - but I don't want keep resorting to this.
They treat attendings great. I know this may come off as arrogant, but I'm literally going to be an attending here within 2 years (in a relatively small subspeciality). I would think they would want to keep a positive relationship with me.
I'm not really looking for advice, I'm overall fine with it. I'm just post-call and curious and just wanted to start discussion.