The “no 0 policy”

I’m finishing up my first year as a high school science teacher (I’m a career changer so this is my second degree, just for context) and I’m curious what people think about the no zero policy. I have read articles and listened to arguments on both sides about it and have found compelling arguments for both. I am making some changes to my grading practices for next year and one of them I am debating over is the no 0 policy.

For context our grading software is on the percent scale so everything from a 0-50% is still failing. I have been putting missing assignments in as 50% of the total score instead of 0. It still shows up as an F for the student, the difference being in can bring their grade down by a couple of percentage points rather than multiple letter grades. I also understand that they should earn the grade and not get “rewarded” for no work. But I am very compelled ed by the idea that with the percent grading scale there are 50 degrees of failing and only 10 degrees between passing letter grades.

I’m not looking to start a debate over whether you agree with the no 0 policy or not but I would love to hear what you use on either side, and why it works for you as I consider changes for next year.