Forgetting to Care?
something has been bothering me a lot lately is the fact that I realized that the reason I don’t think about people I love is probably because of ADHD. I’ve always felt like such a bad person.
My friends would be sick or my parents would have an issue of some kind, and after talking to them about it, it was like I never thought about it ever again. my mom had vertigo two weeks ago and today I realized that I never checked on her or asked how she was feeling, and it made me feel like a really bad person and daughter.
And then it dawned on me, the fact that I don’t think of people probably isn’t because I’m a bad person. It’s probably because I have ADHD. and it was just sort of this ton of bricks that hit me that all of these times I felt so bad about myself for not caring about the people I love, when I know that I care, probably isn’t my fault.
I say probably a lot in this because I’m still grappling with the imposter syndrome of determining whether or not I have this versus like actually just being a bad person. I know that’s a little illogical, but just being honest about where I’m at in the journey.
Anyways, has anybody else felt like this or wondered why you don’t think of the people you love, especially when they need you to think of them?