13w freakout: nothing fits. When did this happen for you and what’d you do to feel better?
I wfh so live in athleisurewear, but this week had to put on “real clothes” and nothing fits. My jeans, my fitted tops, tanks. I’ve always worked on my physique with 4x/week lifting and 2x/week cardio, keeping my jean size at a 25 for most of my adult life. I was raised with mild body dysmorphia so I’m well aware I need to work on this BUT at 13 weeks I feel like it’s early for this “outgrowing” clothing? Or am I crazy and you all experienced this at this point as well? If anyone else had a hard time with it, how did you fix/help your mindset? (Beyond the obvious of buying bigger clothes and reminding myself it’s for baby) FTM, by the way! Also sorry if this is just the dumbest post, be kind, feeling lost.