Did Cartnel plan to retire the Daleks and Cybermen?
In Remmberance of the Daleks and Sliver Nemisis both are extinct by the end. Ok Davros is given a chance (you can see sonething drop out the spaceship). But both can be read as both monsters retired.
Did Cartnel and or JNT intend for that? That the Daleks and Cybermen be killed off for reals? The way Evil of the Daleks and Revenge of the Cybermen were meant to be their last story?
They do feel out of place in Seven's era. Most of his monsters are supernatural or the personification of an abstract concept. Like Light being aganist change and progress. Or the Odinist equivilent to the anti christ.
Did they think the Daleks and Cybermen needed to be killed off for good for stylistic reasons? Or were they worried that the show would be canclled so felt the need for a send off?
Lets be honest after the 85 cancelation the show waa doomed to be cancelled again. The suits saw it as outdated and JNT was told if he quit DW hed be sacked and blackballed. So I cant help but wonder if JNT or Cartnel felt the need to kill the 2 big monsters off for good.