MerryChristmas! Not sure if my waters are broken?? Not sure if Im experiencing a silent labor??
Im having a homebirth. Midwife says to call when in active labor. Which is fine! She last visited 2 days ago and let me know bub is engaged and his heart beat let us know he is positioned anterior ready to go with head on the cervix.
I lost the mucus plug not yesterday but the day before. Yesterday I woke with tiny bit of blood in my discharge, then all day yesterday and into the night & this morning I have needed to wear a pad because there is just this fluid that is now constant. Smells pungently sweet??? Leaving me very confused 😂. I have slight back pain, and menstrual cramp pain but no tightenings, however my belly feels much much smaller and less full than it has been. Just curious if anyone else has experienced this?
I am hoping to avoid having a Christmas baby but it feels like he is already here.