Just slept with a girl I was interested and found out her naked body smells bad

She is good looking and smells nice with clothes on but when she takes off her clothes she has Fat Girl Breast Sweat smell. her skin does not smell or taste nice. vagina also had unpleasant taste

Ultimately, not liking the smell kills it for me; it was an immediate visceral reaction.

Prior to smelling her, I had been seriously thinking about a long term relationship (not ruling out marriage one day?), but now I don't really want to see her again; in fact, I feel regret about my last relationship, and feel like i never properly appreciated how good my ex smelled.

However, I can't really diplomatically break up with her or it'll seem like I was just cynically trying to fuck her, which isn't true.

Have you ever broken up with someone over this? I feel like it's very vital to feel attracted to someone's smell