My first and only tattoo… how shitty is it?

This was my first tattoo, I designed it (picked the rose from an online design and then did the handwriting myself) and wanted it on my underboob, matching the curve, which I told my artist about a month in advance. I looked at her work and checked reviews before choosing her. I told her how important it was to me as its my wedding date, my first tattoo, and at that time what I thought would be my only ever tattoo (now I’m not sure, I may want more soon.) she was difficult to communicate with, rarely answered my texts or took days, rescheduled multiple times, and seemed annoyed at me every time we interacted, all after I had given her a $100 deposit. At my appointment we spent almost an hour redoing the stencil because she wasn’t getting the curve to match right before I finally just gave up and had her put it on me because I knew I was being charged for all the time. I ended up paying almost $300 for this tattoo that’s like three inches long because of how long the stencil took and now I’m not super happy with it. First pic is right when I took the second skin off, second pic is now, about a year later. I reached out to take her up on her one free touch up since it was pretty faded already within the first six months (despite following all instructions to help it heal) and she ghosted me. You won’t hurt my feelings, I’ve come to terms with it, it’s somewhere no one ever really HAS to see it, and I feel initiated, i hear everyone gets a shitty first tattoo haha. Tell me what you think!