Any MMORPGs as good as WoW?

I've been having trouble enjoying WoW as of late for some reason. It might be me just not enjoying the current raid, or not vibing super well with the current group I play with but I've been having difficulty enjoying it lately. I also occasionally play RS3, and SWTOR, but while I do like those games, I don't enjoy them as much as WoW.

Are there ny MMOs worth playing that are as good as WoW? I have a preference for MMOs that let you get into action quickly, with multiple things to do with friends and tons of self-expression/customization. Here are MMOs I didn't like, just to prevent them from being suggested:

-ESO (For some reason, despite me being a huge Elder Scrolls fan, this game just doesn't hook me. It doesn't do anything particularly wrong, and it does work, but it just can't hook me for some reason)

-Old School RuneScape (Not a bad game but not for me. The lack of individuality and things to do with friends before the endgame make the game unenjoyable for me)

-Final Fantasy 14 (Waaaaaay too slow and boring, and forces you through the story with no way to skip it)

-Guild Wars 2 (Bad tutorial, bad fashion mechanic, poorly designed hub worlds that spam enemies without thought, bad community, barely any accessible instanced content/action. One of the worst MMOs I've personally ever played)

Destiny 2 (My computer can't run it for some reason. I feel like I'd enjoy it if I could play it though)

EDIT: Please do not get upset if I don't enjoy your favorite MMO. People are different and enjoy different games. I made this post looking for new MMOs to play, not to debate the quality of these games. I have no desire to play the games I listed above ever again, so please do not try to convince me to play them again. Keep in mind as well, flaming someone for their tastes only paints you (And the community of the game you're defending) in a bad light.