Were we all wrong about Baron

I remember when we were all crying nerf on Baron Riverdare for being the best hero in the game. They actually added even more seconds to his mages talent in a recent patch on top of the initial nerf to the point now that in a 3 minute pvp match you only get skeletons a few times.

But taking a step back and looking at him now that we all know how to actually play the game. He's kind of trash.

He runs too fast to build a deathball with, he's hard countered by anything flying, his damage isn't great at all, etc.

Grom hellscream can stomp quests and pvp in 1 push if they don't stop him due to everyone doing so much damage from the bloodlust.

Bloodmage Thalnos can double stack his haste by casting execute with bloodthirst on him while he has the increased cast speed talent, he can obliterate a tower or enemy base or entire enemy push in seconds since he starts casting his shadowbolts every .5 seconds.

These silly event quests you struggle and struggle with using baron, you can literally just switch ot anub or malfurion and completely stomp the mission with minutes to spare.

Is it time to unnerf baron?