Guys which hacks to use and which to not use bc I don’t wanna get banned
Something HUGE!!!
Huge Raffle: Ends 2/01/25 11:59 PM EST
Hatched last night!
sell or open?
Pets Go secret?
thanks preston
Lightning Gift Bag NERFED?
I have no where to get those missing credits, all mastery is done, bought all pizza shop offers and supercell store offers.
I somehow got 3.8k pizza slices right after I logged on
Bro this is before Ollie got released guys
W or L guys
Rate this skin from 1 to 10 melodians 🗣💥💥
New kudos
Who of these arrogant brawlers have the best personality?
We need this skin guys upvote it if you agree
Search for the most mained brawler of the sub!
I got her in my alt account
I can’t get a tier max 😭
Im am never getting buzz surge…
These are the best rare skin because it comes with a free exclusive pin
Is this skin good?
How would you rework/replace Griff's useless gadget?
Say your main and i will say something good about them