Are there any protection items that I can carry in case a dog attack?
New year's resolution is to lose few pounds, I went for a 30 min run after work. As it is January it's completely dark. I ran until a young lad with a phone in one hand and a leash with a killer dog in the other crossed the street and arrived in front of me. The dog was happy, maybe few months old, up to a year, but it was fully grown, It's jaws were bigger than my head, if it wanted, it would have ripped that lanky dude's arm from him with one tug. I am super scared of dogs, I do not want to go anywhere near them, so I stopped. The guy noticed me and invited to run past them and was very insistent about it, to which I responded, "it's okay, carry on, I will cross to the other side of the road and run there". He then proceeded to verbally harass me, something along the lines of "f*** off, you *****", "look here again and I will smash your face". Carried on to harass me from the other side of the road for a while. I did not look at the guy, I was scared, not of the guy, but mostly of the dog. The owner is completely unhinged, this is a disaster waiting to happen. I considered reporting this to the police, but I doubt they will do anything.
I want to have some sort of protection for next time I run - I am not getting a dog, but can I have a pepper spray? Anything that could deter a dog if it is needed. What are my options?