My "Employer Sponsored Health Care" is Ridiculously Expensive!

Has anyone encountered an "employer sponsored health plan" so astronomically expensive? This is ridiculous!!! This is in the US for a family plan (my family is 3 total humans, though the plan cost is the same for any amount of humans in the family).

These are PER PAY PERIOD (every two weeks) costs:

PPO plan:

Employee: $589.17 per pay period Employer: $714.55 per pay period

PPO plan Total annual cost for employee before deductible: $15318.42 Total plan cost (employee plus employer) before deductible (premium only): $33896.72

High Deductible Plan ($8000 family deductible then 80/20 coinsurance): $12849.72

Employee:$494.22 per pay period Employer: $599.34 per pay period

Employee annual cost (premium only): Total plan cost (employee plus employer) before deductible (premium only): $28432.56 per year