I've never really got the love for this one. Would be curious to know if (and why) you feel differently
Things I liked from the movie:
● Sean Connery is on top form in terms of both "cat-like coolness" and bringing an edge of menace necessary to intimidate adversaries
● "Goldfinger" is one of the best written Bond songs and Shirley Bassey's delivery is top notch
● Goldfinger, Oddjob, and Pussy Galore are all great casting and each actor delivers an excellent performance
● Goldfinger's iconic line "No Mr. Bond, I expect you to die" is great because it subverts the expectations of how Bond would get out of the situation and forces him to have to improvise on the fly and play to Goldfinger's overcautious nature
● The fantastical elements: the pre-title sequence has Bond arrive in a scuba suit with a fake seagull on his head and already wearing a full tuxedo underneath the suit; Oddjob throwing his hat and perfectly slicing the statue's head
Things I didn't love:
● The Third Act: After Bond is captured it takes the wind out of the film's sails. Bond talking to M and Felix(?) at the farm in Kentucky seemed silly, as it's insane that a sinister villain like Goldfinger just allowed Bond to roam around and talk to his friends; this completely takes away the suspense of how Bond will overcome this (previously thought-to-be) unstoppable villain
● Goldfinger gets investors together and when one objects, he has Oddjob drive him away just to kill and dispatch of the car, meanwhile he just eventually kills all the investors anyway. My question is: why even explain the plan to them, and let the one guy leave, if the goal was just to kill them all anyway?
● Switzerland is a great location at first in the mountains/car chase but every scene there after feels like it could take place anywhere.
● Kentucky is a pretty bland location for a Bond film (personal preference of course as I love the travelog aspect of the movies)
● Bond's seduction of Pussy Galore in the barn was... uncomfortable
● The gas released that was supposed to knock out every solider/guard at Fort Knox came off as a bit of an eye-roll and an effect that looked goofy
● Bond taking out Oddjob was clever but the rest of the Fort Knox scene felt anticlimactic
With so many great Bond Films out there, I'm often surprised this one ranks highly on a lot of people's lists but again would like to know why people do love this one