Obsessing over money and bills? How to stop?

I have had OCD since childhood and have gotten relatively good at controlling my obsessions so that they don't impact my everyday life. Lately, I've had a much larger amount of financial responsibility coupled with some other circumstances and I've found money has become something I obsess about constantly. It is like my mind never shuts off from worrying about bills, deadlines, credit, etc and since I am in a transitional period right now and am not making good money, I don't have much to deal with the root causes currently. When I have a bill, I literally cannot stop thinking about it, sometimes to the point I shut down and can't function. The moment I pay it I start thinking about the next, obsessing over my credit score, checking my accounts, etc. It's very distressing and the worse my financial situation gets, the worse I obsess and the worse the situation becomes. When I give myself days off (I work multiple jobs and typically don't have much time off) I'll find myself just worrying and obsessing over money the entire time. It's become so much that I've now relapsed, have zero expendable money or emergency fund, and am getting extremely terrified.

Does anyone have any tips on how to deal with financial obsessions? Any tips?