Has anyone only used trt for libido boost?
(32M) I’ve always wanted to stay natural so I don’t know if getting on trt would really be worth it for someone who just wants a libido boost. Trt actually kind of scares me a little bit as my hairline is receding already and I had troubles with acne in my 20’s.
5 years ago I was horny as hell and the sight of a woman made my monkey brain do backflips. I’ve noticed my drive slowly decrease every year until now. I’m not depressed, I have a great career, I hold onto a decent amount of muscle mass, lift weights 5-6 days a week, I tend to attract woman but the urge to really pursue them is not really there. My diet is mainly plant based but I’ve incorporated eggs and meat 1-2x a week over the last 2 years. I did one of those at home tests that only told me total testosterone (679ng/dl) and I know that’s considered high but it didn’t tell me free testosterone. Some other things I’ve noticed in recent months is my appetite is lower, getting to sleep and staying asleep is harder, brain fog and generally feeling like I’m on autopilot, social anxiety and random bouts of anxiety that isn’t triggered by any thoughts or stress. I’m getting a full panel done next week from my local T-clinic to see if anything else might be contributing. I just really want that sexual vigor back and don’t really care about gym benefits as I already recover pretty well and would probably be on a lower dose if the Dr. wanted to “optimize” my levels.
this is my first post here so please don’t sht on me if this seems out of pocket