Advice needed

Hi all

I was wondering if anyone could offer advice or theories about a situation I've been finding myself in recently?

I'm a week away from being 2 years clean. Apart from the hellish first 2 weeks, I've been pretty much cravings free (bar one or two pangs when in close proximity to smokers in the family).

However, for the last couple of days I've found myself instinctively reaching out for a vape that no longers exists. This always seems to happen in the evening when I'm relaxing.

I don't feel like I have a craving per se, but for some reason the habit has crept back into my psyche and it's making me feel really uncomfortable when I notice myself thinking of smoking.

Has anyone else had this happen? I really hope it's just a phase and will go away of it's own accord. Any and all theories/advice/words of encouragement welcome!