How do you guys continue to bust nuts?
First off, I love TnL. I love the PvE. I don’t really love the PvP in this game though because it kind of feels like the games switches from “Throne and Liberty” to “CC and Liberty” really quickly. When the game first launched I found myself busting all kinds of dopamine nuts just from building my character and PvE. Even when I hit l.v 50 I was busting all kinds of dopamine nuts just from selling in Auction House and earning lucent to gear up my character further. After 300 hours spent on this game I am starting to have a hard time busting nuts like I used to and find myself lacking dopamine to keep going. Now when I log in I am no longer aroused by abyssal tokens, dungeons, and contracts, even though I try to mix things up a lot and do events here and there with guild mates.
Just out of curiosity I’m wondering, how do you guys continue to bust your nuts these days on TnL?