Neurology after IM residency in the US
Is Pulm/Crit Becoming a Back-Up Fellowship?
How did cardiology become so powerful?
A word from University at Buffalo
How did you choose your IM subspecialty?
IM interns how detailed are your notes?
Which textbook is preferred ?
Anyone else secretly happy tik tok is potentially getting banned
Damn being a doctor ain’t what it used to be
What are the longest hours you have gone without sleep?
Why do people love GI
Is this sign of bleeding
Why so much hate? What if you are the problem?
Partner not super interested in politics
Repeated Bites & Losing Hope
Zionism and Friendships
Neuromuscular Pulmonology
What specialty’s salary surprises you the most?
Make up a medical specialty that doesn’t exist.
This guy routinely posts complaining about physician compensation
Neurocritical Care
I cant get over my ex, affecting my focus in school, how do I move on?
Fundamental changes to US medical reimbursement considered by RFK.
NYC Programs
A life wasted on this medicine path