Last 5 pick ups
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I haven't seen anyone mention MB Legend Night since joining. Is it decent?
Is The Ingenious Ginger By Gold Field and Banks real?
Fancy Coconut Cologne
Letter of demand
20$ find of the day
Good clubbing fragrance?
what i do vs. what i use
Caleb moving to Florida ?👀
[WTB] Noble Oud - full bottle or partial
Blind buy success
Rate ?
Noble Oud / PDM Haltane Comparison
Why so few reviews of Noble Oud?
Changing it up with a lift
What do you regret buying?
PDM Greenley real or fake?
Daniel Josier Ambré Tabac
This is a hidden gem
If you had to pick only 3 fragrances from your collection, what would you select?
WTT/WTS 99% Noble Oud
This clone is so spot on it actually made me sad :(