guys I almost forgot it's valentine's day on friday :0 here's a valentine's fit
Dark academia anyone?
what do you guys think about this fit!
outfit collage for the week!
I love the bows on these shoes so much and this whole outfit is so cute
my favorite outfit collage from last week :)
my latest outfit collage!!!! :) I hope you guys like it
My stats after 16 weeks of blogging
My stats after 16 weeks of side hustling
Why I wear the hijab
Modest Finds Monday
my stats after 15 weeks of side hustling
15 weeks of blogging - a recap
My 15th Week of Side Hustling- A Recap
Thoughts on this color combination? I kind of really like it :0
Update after my 14th week of side hustling!
my stats after 14 weeks of side hustling
My 14th week of blogging!
My 14th Week of Side Hustling