I went out for 2 hours. Forgot to take out the garbage before I left.
what tv shows are you watching while you crochet?
Looking for suggestions for Canadian version of specific VS bra
Buy from the source
Upvote if you think sony should give full disclosure on outages.
What can you never truly understand until you have experienced it?
AITA for unplugging my fiancée’s phone (fully charged) to use my own charger when my phone was at 4%?
Gurgling sound from bathroom sink when bathtub tap was turned on, now there's a nasty smell
Redditors born before 2001, where were you on 9/11?
I got my finger stuck in a bottle
Do you prefer to text or to send voice messages?
I think I found one!
Is this called Pain Au Chocolat?
when will satisfactory be released for ps5?
made these for my grandmas 80th birthday, i liked them but ive gotten mixed opinions… 🥲
My wife had been using this as a door stop.
Unknown dpo, easy@home
Unknown dpo, easy@home and FRER, not fmu, super super squinter?
1 yr with minor cut on knuckles… doctor asking why we didn’t go to ER
How many of you have trauma?
Best place to order replacement Chevrolet parts in Canada?
What a 9/10 Difficulty Puzzle looks like.
Got out of the shower and my toe was itchy. 3rd pic is after
Help finding part number for water heater