Does anyone else think the lighting has changed too much and ruined the atmosphere in TR Remastered?
Just finished The Club at 43 :(
Konami addresses keeping ‘outdated’ gated areas and loading screens in Metal Gear Delta
Squealing man plays broken Phasmo
Which of the 2 gets the more hyped games?
What advice would you give to a guy who's about to have sex for the first time?
"Why do you turn down your volume?" People ask me. "Doesn't it put you at a disadvantage?" Yes, but jumping like this any time there's a shot isn't any better.
Battlefield 2042 Open Beta - Discussion, Feedback & Support Megathread
Videox2 how to output video in 16:9?
Teleported back 10 minutes!?
I had to refund the game
Was he on the fire escape???
Please can I get an F :(
I just want to have a real quick chat with the guy that designed the USB 3.0 header...
My brother’s(now mine) old FFVII shirt
Lucky pre-fire or weekend hackers?
Would you play a FF7 remake that was exactly like the original but with bets graphics and voice acting?
Unpopular Opinion: SE can milk me dry with as many FF7R installments, DLC, and re-releases as they want.
The main reason I want a Metal Gear Solid 3 PC port
FFVIIR on PS5 Graphic mode is stunning.
RE3 Remake on Nightmare isn’t messing around.
The Chad Ethan Winters
Yakuza 6: No icon select on game pass pc version