Transitioning from Clinic to…
Pregnancy and warnings about miscarriages
Sunday Cautious Intros and First Trimester Questions
Reprotech and Embryo Related Laws
Light/walking epidurals?
Has anyone struggled afterwards when naming their child after a loved one who’s passed?
How did you know your embryo stuck?
Thinking about changing my home birth to hospital birth
Things your undocumented clients need to know regarding ICE
Losing your butt
Progesterone suppositoy fell out
Funny songs for home birth playlist?
RE said we “don’t need a sperm analysis”
Do you know a good immigration lawyer that can help me with applying for a German passport?
Clients potentially perfect for each other
How much should I pay my friend for these cake???
Washington State Legislative Action-Fertility Coverage
Started at a new office, brought in some cupcakes for the team!
Last week I didn’t recognize my son’s name… an embarrassing story to encourage you to remember ALL nicknames that your child’s name may lend itself to
9dp5dt Beta 167! Clinic not happy. What was your beta?
Anyone have a recommendation for an amphibian vet in Vancouver?
I know this will be funny one day but not today
Pregnancy congestion, why am i just learning this?!!
Tips for drinking more water?
This fatigue is killing me