Smash or pass ______ edition.
What is 13^2 - 10^2?
this is going to be my first valentines without my _______. she passes away in October.
What witchy things are you doing at this witching hour?
The bills lost I’m a sad boi now
gooning ranked💔💔💯😂🫱🏽🫱🏽
how tall are u guys
Do yall have any music recommendations?
Need more music
why the fuck am I like this
A good movie for kids is ____
So do you all do any sports?
What do you do to fill an awkward silence if anything?
The five stages of grief are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and ___
How many asses can you shove your pickle up?
How old do I look?
Ouija, what is the highest number?
Why is it so hard
i just want my femboy, is that so much to ask😔
I am a _____ person
What is pi (𝜋)?
How old are you?
„My Parents broke up, because of ______“
Give me your music,
Genuine question